From Studio Pierrot, creators of the classic 'Naruto' and 'Bleach' films, comes the stunning new anime adventure 'Legend of the Millennium Dragon.' Based on Takafumi Takada’s beloved 2-volume novel of the same name, 'Onigamiden' (in Japanese) tells the action-packed story of a 15-year-old boy named Jun Tendo who is thrust back in time 1,200 years into the middle of an ancient battle between Oni (demons) and humans
Genre: Animation | Adventure | Fantasy
Director: Hirotsugu Kawasaki
Starring: Ryuji Aigase, Satomi Ishihara and Kentarô Itô
Size : 700 MB
Director: Hirotsugu Kawasaki
Starring: Ryuji Aigase, Satomi Ishihara and Kentarô Itô
Size : 700 MB
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